News & Updates
Jenifer Gwaltney is the new Sponsored Projects Accounting Director
Sponsored Projects Accounting
We are very pleased to announce that Jenifer Gwaltney will serve as the Director of Sponsored Projects Accounting. As Director, she will oversee financial reporting, billing, cash management, and project closeout responsibilities for OSR. Continued
NIH Loan Repayment Program
Research Administration
NIH is accepting new and renewal applications for its five (5) Loan Repayment Programs. Complete the Loan Application Certification Form and submit to by November 10, 2018. Continued
New GradStar Account Code
Research Administration
Effective immediately, a new account code, 568731, is now available for Traineeship-Fees. Account code 568730 will now be used exclusively for Traineeship-Tuition. Continued
Revised Review Cycle for Recharge Service Centers (RSC)
Cost Analysis and Compliance
To comply with OSR Operating Standard 900.1 the recharge rates of all RSCs must be reviewed by OSR every two years. To accomplish this, OSR's Cost Analysis and Compliance (CAC) unit will be placing each RSC into one of eight quarterly review periods. Continued
OSR Submission Deadlines & Workspace
Research Administration
The 5 business day deadline for proposal submissions is more important than ever. The normal internal review now includes the time needed to facilitate the Workspace & Assist portals. Continued
Fiscal Year 2019 Fringe Rates Now Available
Cost Analysis and Compliance
The Fringe Benefits memo for 2019 has been released. It outlines the new rates that apply to employees paid from sponsored projects and budgeting for proposals. Continued
Updates to the Prior Approval & Budget Revision Forms
Research Administration
The updated Prior Approval Request (PAR) and Budget Revision (BR) forms have been updated based on Campus User feedback. Additional functionality makes the forms easier to use. Continued
RAM Tracker Transparency
Research Administration
The RAM Tracker system is OSR's method of tracking post-award activities. The Transparency initiative enables campus users to view and track pending transactions as they're being completed. Continued
Faculty Spotlight
Rachel Noble, Ph.D.
Mary and Watts Hill Jr. Distinguished Professor
Director, Institute for the Environment
Dr. Noble's research program bridges environmental microbiology and marine microbial ecology. The main thread of her work is to understand the ecology of dangerous bacteria and viruses found in the ocean and seafood.
Learn more about Dr. Noble and her research.
Training Opportunities

Updates to OSR Forms Computer-Based Training
The CBT for OSR's Prior Approval Request and Budget Revision forms have been updated to match the new improvements. Access the CBT in our training library. Workspace Training
OSR has developed materials to assist campus when using's Workspace. Step-by-step instructions and additional resources are available in our training library.
Orientation for New Clinical Research Personnel
NC TraCS is sponsoring an upcom ing Orientation Series for new clinical research personnel. The series introduces research personnel to the UNC research infrastructure, federal and local regulations, and an overview of clinical research best practices.
2018 Symposium for Research Administrators
Staff Updates
Eric Cannon
Industry Contracting - Clinical Trials Team Lead
Tip: Communicate all the details regarding projects at hand with your OSR contacts, and don't be afraid to pick up the phone should any issues arise.
Ryan Hermreck
Sponsored Projects Accounting Manager
Tip: The InfoPorte>Dept Accounting>Grants tab provides a detailed view of each grant for your department. This includes the OSR Financial Reporter, the KK Dates, the Processing Status and Indirect Cost Rate, among others.
Tracey Lemming
Post-Award Financial Analyst
Tip: Take the time to extend kindness in all that you do. The relationships that you build in sponsored research and beyond will be a cornerstone to your personal and professional success.
Closeout Team
Sponsored Projects Accounting
Dzenita Blackwell Closeout Lead | Valeshia Brown | Michael Decker | Tamesha Robertson | Evan Walsh
New Employees
Cost Accounting and Compliance
Thomas Avant Cost Accounting Central Effort Manager | Eartha Bridges-Riley Central Effort Coordinator
Research Administration
Lakeisha Anthony Sponsored Projects Specialist | Ronda Farrell Sponsored Projects Specialist | Madison Rauscher Sponsored Projects Specialist | Eve Van Buren Subaward Specialist
Sponsored Projects Accounting
John Cheslock Sponsored Projects Accountant | Christine Gibson Sponsored Projects Accountant | Deanna Jackson Sponsored Projects Accountant
Open Positions
Research Administration
Industry Contracting Team Lead | Sponsored Projects Specialist
Sponsored Projects Accounting
Assistant Director of Sponsored Projects Accounting | Sponsored Projects Accountant | Sponsored Projects Accountant | Sponsored Projects Accountant
Training and Communications Specialist
Ask OSR - eRA Commons
How do I get an eRA Commons Account?
Please submit a request to to create an eRA Commons user ID. Include the following: Full Name, Desired Username, University email and Roles Needed.
Do I need an eRA Commons Account to be a Trainee?
Yes. Trainees on NIH fellowships and training grants must have eRA Commons accounts to be appointed to a project. The Trainee role allows users to input data into xTrain during their traineeship.
For more information on eRA Commons accounts, see our FAQs page. To submit your questions to OSR, click the 'Ask OSR' button below.
In Other News
UNC to Launch a Life Sciences Start-up Incubator
The university is aiming to support more entrepreneurial activities by creating a large start-up workspace to help retain and draw companies to the Chapel Hill area. Continued
New P-Card Program Postponed
Unforeseen security and data integrity issues have delayed the launch of P-Card Works until September 17th. Users are to continue reconciling in the existing P-Card system in ConnectCarolina. Continued
Duplicate emails in
All applicants with duplicate email addresses will be required to merge their accounts into one to continue accessing Continued
Changes to InfoPorte Finance Reports
Some changes to InfoPorte will affect not only what you see but will remove unused queries. The 'Recon Ready?' column is being removed, proposed filter combinations are remaining separate, and select queries, such as Source List Reports, are being removed. Continued
Upcoming Events

ConnectCarolina User Conference: Making the Connections
2018 Effort Certification Dates
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Certification Period Begins
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Escalation Period Begins
Friday, November 2, 2018
Certification Period Ends
Friday, November 30, 2018
True-Ups Due in OSR's Worklist